Montessori pedagogy & famous people

Today my children started to attend Montessori kindergarten. From their age of 2 years, my wife became interested in this method and we started to attend different clubs, she started (and completed) one year course on Montessori pedagogy, in our apartment we have different materials which kids use. Anyway reading nowadays about all love affairs at the top of the Google management, I accidentally came to information that Larry Page and Sergey Brin attend Montessori school. Since I work in IT area, this information warmed me at heart and raise my expectations towards my children :). As I see in my surrounding, mothers are the first who are involved in Montessori and for fathers it takes longer time and effort to hook into this system. Well, this can be positive example for technically minded men to more embrace Montessori pedagogy. When you enter in search "Montessori famous people" you will wind other famous and successful people...  

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