Welcome to issue #63 December 11th, 2017


Google Kubernetes Engine

With Google Kubernetes Engine regional clusters, master nodes are now highly available - Today, regional clusters are in beta and ready to use at scale in Kubernetes Engine.

Google Cloud Platform

Announcing Google Cloud Next 2018 - Mark your calendars for July 24-27, 2018 at Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Manage Google Kubernetes Engine from Cloud Console dashboard, now generally available - There are two main ways to manage Google Kubernetes Engine: the kubectl command line interface and Cloud Console, a web-based dashboard. Cloud Console for Kubernetes Engine is now generally available, and includes several new and exciting features to help you understand the state of your app, troubleshoot it and perform fixes.

Articles, Tutorials


Getting the most out of shared postmortems — CRE life lessons - In this post, it's considered how to review a postmortem with your affected customer(s) for better actionable data and also to help customers improve their systems and practices.


How to get real-time, actionable insights from your Fastly logs with Looker and BigQuery - Fastly, whose edge cloud platform offers content delivery, streaming, security and load-balancing, recently integrated its platform with Looker, a business intelligence tool. Using Google BigQuery as its analytics engine, you can use Fastly plus Looker to do things like improve your operations, analyze the effectiveness of marketing programs — even identify attack trends.

App Engine BigQuery

Drawings in the Cloud: introducing the Quick, Draw! dataset - Read how Quick Draw was created, using Google Cloud Platform of course.

App Engine Java Tutorial

Getting started with Google App Engine and Spring Boot in 5 steps - utorial to get you setup and deploy your Spring Boot application on App Engine in just 5 steps using Maven.

App Engine AWS Cloud Dataflow

Analyzing tweets using Cloud Dataflow pipeline templates - This post describes how to use Google Cloud Dataflow templates to easily launch Dataflow pipelines from a Google App Engine (GAE) app, in order to support MapReduce jobs and many other data processing and analysis tasks.

App Engine GCP Experience

Play by Play: Moving the NYT Games Platform to GCP With Zero Downtime - Migrating to Google Cloud Platform without downtime.

App Engine Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Functions: Scheduling (Cron) - How to set up cron for your Google Cloud Functions.


Firebase Firestore Unique Constraints - As of today there is no way to enforce a unique constraint on a Firebase Firestore document key, this article describes how you can simulate a uniqueness constraint by using Firebase Functions and some strict security rules.

Firebase Java

Firebase: Asynchronous Operations with Admin Java SDK - Discussion about changes in most recent Firebase Admin SDK for Java.

Compute Engine

Finding the perfect VM config. - Some tips on how to select optimal configuration of Google Compute Engine machine


Stackdriver Debugger with New Relic - Configuring a Custom Runtime using App Engine Flex with New Relic’s APM agent and Stackdriver.


OAuth whitelisting can now control access to GCP services and data - OAuth apps whitelisting helps keep your data safe by letting admins specifically select which third-party apps are allowed to access users’ GCP data and resources.


Quick Install of Forseti Security on Google Cloud Platform - Forseti Security is open source security tool built for Google Cloud Platform. It can keep track of your environment, monitor your policies and even enforce in the future.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform Honeycomb - If Google Cloud Platform would be honeycomb, how it would look like?

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast - #106 New York Times with Deep Kapadia and JP Robinson discuss how they use Google Cloud Platform to serve the New York Times to its readers.

Cloud Storage

The Secret to File Storage with Google Cloud Platform

AWS GCP Experience Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform vs AWS - Ministry of Testing Meetup - Following article from last week, here is video about reasoning which cloud provider to select.


Building a Recursive BigQuery Mapper - The New York Times wrote a Go application that can do the job of replicating our data from Datastore into BigQuery orders of magnitude faster than alternative solutions. Using this system, they were able to achieve over 1.5 million streaming inserts per second.


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]