Welcome to issue #49 September 4th, 2017

Monitoring is crucial into understand how computer systems operate and helps preventing disasters or notifying when they occur. In today's issue there are several articles related to Stackdriver which is product for Monitoring on Google Cloud Platform.




Building .NET apps in Visual Studio for GCP: better than ever - Lots of integrations of Google Cloud Platform products into Visual Studio


Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy: a simple and more secure way to manage application access - Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy is Generally Available


Announcing new Stackdriver Logging features and expanded free logs limits - Improvements for Stackdriver Logging, namely Logs Based Metric, 50GB of logs for free.

Articles, Tutorials


Preventing log waste with Stackdriver Logging - Not all log messages needs to get logged when Log Exclusion is used.


Using Stackdriver Logging for visual effects and animation pipelines: new tutorial - Capturing logs in a visual effects (VFX), animation or games pipeline is useful for troubleshooting automated tools, keeping track of process runtimes and machine load and capturing historical data that occurs during the life of a production.

.NET Stackdriver

ASP.NET Core developers, meet Stackdriver diagnostics - Easily integrate Stackdriver Logging, Error Reporting and Trace into your ASP.NET Core applications, with a minimum of effort and code.


Google Cloud / Stack Driver Monitoring for Batch Processes - This article describes how to setup Stackdriver for monitoring batch processes.

Machine Learning

How to build a conversational app using Cloud Machine Learning APIs, Part 3 - In this article, extending app to the Google Assistant-supported devices.

BigQuery Cloud ML Machine Learning TensorFlow

How to predict your Google Cloud Platform monthly bill with Google CloudML & BigQuery - Creating billing prediction system with BigQuery, TensorFlow and Cloud ML


Codelab: Querying and Visualising Location Data in BigQuery using Google Maps API - In this codelab, you'll write and run some queries that demonstrate how to provide location based insights into very large public datasets using BigQuery. You'll also build a web page that loads a map using the Google Maps JavaScript API, and that runs and visualizes spatial queries against the same very large public datasets using the Google APIs Client Library for Javascript, and the BigQuery API.


A TensorFlow Glossary/Cheat Sheet - Glossary of terms related to TensorFlow / Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Intelligent email categorization with machine learning - Discussing several approaches for email categorization within the company.

Cloud Storage

Some less known features of Google Cloud Storage - Some cool features of Google Cloud Storage which are not so often mentioned


How good is Google Cloud’s CDN? - Profiling Google Cloud CDN.

App Engine Ruby

Deploying Battleship to GAE - Deploying Sinatra Ruby server on Google App Engine Flexible


Using CircleCI and Kubernetes to achieve seamless deployments to Google Container Engine


Starting w/ Google Cloud Platform APIs - Brief explanation of how Google APIs works


Getting Started w/ Python on GCP


Getting Started w/ Node.js on GCP


Getting Started w/ Ruby on GCP


Getting Started w/ .NET on GCP


Google Cloud doesn’t need an enterprise sales team: Box, Marketo, Pivotal, VMware are on the job - Look at recent announced Google Cloud Platform partnerships.


What Google’s Deal With Marketo Means for Its Cloud Wars With Amazon and Microsoft - Marketo is provider of engament marketing software and solutions.

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast - #92 Phoenix One Games with Michael Will, Director of Technical Operations at Phoenix One Games, joins your co-hosts Mark and Francesc today to tell us about their migration from their own hardware to the cloud, how they did it, and what they learned from it.


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