Welcome to issue #25 March 20th, 2017

We're still riding on wave of Cloud Next '17 conference



App Engine

Your favorite languages, now on Google App Engine - Google App Engine Flexible now supports out of box 7 programming languages (plus more as custom runtimes)


Discover and redact sensitive data with the Data Loss Prevention API - Data Loss and Prevention (DLP) is API which can be used to identify more than 40 confidential personal information data types


Cloud KMS GA, new partners expand encryption options - Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) is generally available

Articles, Tutorials

App Engine

Digging deep on PHP 7.1 for Google App Engine - Improved documentation, tutorials for using PHP on Google App Engine

.NET App Engine Docker

ASP.NET Core containers run great on GCP - If you want to use .NET on Google Cloud Platform, this article is good place to start

A Tale of Two Clouds: Amazon vs. Google - Comparison of Amazon and Google clouds in terms of pricing, free tiers, market share etc

Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Functions: a serverless environment to build and connect cloud services - Google Cloud Functions went Beta on Google Cloud Next '17 conference, they're great single-purpose functions that are attached to events emitted from cloud services.


Using the Cloud for Web Security — What You Need to Know - Security was never easier than today

Google Cloud: The NEXT big thing for the enterprise? - Report from Google Cloud Next '17

Google Cloud Next ’17 and the Future of GCP - Brief overview of Google Cloud Next '17 and intro to GCP

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast #68 - The Home Depot with William Bonnell Senior Director of SRE at The Home Depot all about SRE culture, and the CRE team as well.

Google Cloud Platform Online Meetup #7 - Google Cloud Next 2017 Conference Recap and Highlights


GCP - Continuous Integration and Delivery into Kubernetes with GitHub, Travis and Artifactory


Understanding Kubernetes

Cloud Accelerated Genomics


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]