Welcome to issue #23 March 6th, 2017

The most important event regarding Google Cloud Platform is almost here! This Wednesday starts Google Cloud Next 2017. There is no mention of online streaming though yet. 



Machine Learning

Coursera collaborates with Google Cloud to foster a global ecosystem of skilled cloud talent - Last year's acquisition of Qwikilabs bears fruit. 5 courses are for now available at Coursera Coursera and more to come.

A new issue tracker for Google Cloud Platform - Google Cloud Platform is switching to new issue tracker. It has Gmail-like look. Hopefully this will improve issue requesting/solving experience

Google Cloud CDN joins CDN Interconnect providers, delivering choice to users - Currently there are 8 companies which are cooperating with Google Cloud Platform to reduce latency in regions


No-cost VM migration to Google Cloud Platform now available with CloudEndure - Migrating servers to Google Cloud Platform should be now easier, thanks to CloudEndure with free of charge service and no downtime for servers

Articles, Tutorials

Big Data BigQuery PubSub

Combining Thomson Reuters data with Google BigQuery and Google Cloud Pub/Sub API - Proof of concept to analyze data with BigQuery ingested from Reuters API


Incident management at Google — adventures in SRE-land - How engineers in Google handle incidents in their data centres


Visitor Acquisition, Retention, and Attrition, Using BigQuery and a Simple Data Model - In depth article which explains how BigQuery can be used to analyze data from Google Analytics namely visitor acquisition, retention, attrition Export of results to Google Sheets to use it's functionality for further analysis

App Engine

Deploying an App on the Internet for FREE - Yes, Google App Engine still remains good starting choice to start developing web application without going deep into the pocket

Will Spotify be to Google Cloud as Netflix is to AWS?

App Engine

Benchmarking Node.js on Google App Engine - Interesting comparison between old (VM) and new (Flex) Google App Engine enviroment for Node.js application


Restarting/Update Cloud Dataflow in-flight


Migration to Google Cloud Platform — gRPC & grpc-gateway - Describes process of migrating from REST API to gRPC

Cloud Storage

File Storage with Google Cloud Storage - Step by step tutorial of how to use Google Cloud Storage with Restify (Node.js)

Moving Meetup to the cloud - Meetup's CTO Yvette Pasqua explains Meetup's infrastructure on AWS and Google Cloud Platform

Cloud Dataproc

Google Cloud Platform for data scientists: using Jupyter Notebooks with Apache Spark on Google Cloud - Analyzing data (NYC Taxi trips) on Google Cloud Dataproc with Spark and Jupiter

Big Data

Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform: the first book - Interview with Valliappa Lakshmanan author of upcoming book Data Science on Google Cloud Platform

Slides, Videos, Audio


GCP Podcast #64 - This time Python with Jon Wayne Parrott

Cloud Dataflow

Google Cloud Platform Online Meetup - The Next Hadoop: Cloud Dataflow for Mere Mortals

Compute Engine

Datera’s Elastic Data Fabric running in the Google Compute Platform


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