Welcome to issue #6, November 7 2016


Bigtable paper earns the SIGOPS 2016 Hall of Fame Award

Four topics that inspired Google Cloud Platform users in October - Recap of articles throughout October


Articles, Tutorials

How to connect BigQuery to Microsoft Excel® and other apps with our new ODBC driver 

GCP Podcast - Learn more about Heml, package manager for Kubernetes

Analyzing the Game of Baseball on GCP - New insights this week about baseball with help of BigQuery

Learning From Google’s Cloud Storage Evolution

How to Install the ELK Stack on Google Cloud Platform - step by step tutorial of how to setup ElasticSearch, Loghstash, Kibana on GCP

Google has fixed 30 of 707 bugs reported in the past 12 months - Google App Engine bugs stats 


Videos, Slides

Google Cloud Vision API

Serverless Microservices with Google Cloud - talk from Serverless conference

Building backends for Mobile in Google Cloud Platform

Deploying Go app on GAE via Google Cloud Shell

Cloud Price Comparison: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud 

Docker, Kubernetes and Google Cloud


Questions, Problems

BigQuery - retrieving large number of rows with parallel pagination

Is it possible to update schema while doing a load into an existing bigquery table from dataflow?

What service account does Flexible Environment use to access Datastore in another project? 

Alternative for DatastoreHelper Java class in Google Cloud Datastore v1 API


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]